Holy Art
Portal of the church San Giovanni Bosco, Bolzano
During the work of renovation of the church it was announced a competition for the realization of the portal. To realize the sketch, Mauro Baldessari decides to live for a time in the neighborhood of the Church and to collect the atmospheres and the stories of one of the most populated areas of Bolzano, characterized … Read more
Works for the order of sisters “Camilliane”
Bronze sculpture dedicated to the founders of the “Daughters of St. Camillus de Lellis”, at the headquarters of the order in Grottaferrata (Rome). Father Tezza, creator of the Institute of the “Daughters of St. Camillus”, presents the book of rules of the order to Mother Vannini, who accepts and shares the spirit and content … Read more
Monument for the founders of the Institute “Little Sisters of the Holy Family”
With the order of the “Little Sisters of the Holy Family” starts a long and fruitful partnership from 1984 to 2006. The bronze monument for the house of Castelletto sul Garda, represents the act of Foundation of the Institute by the Blessed G. Nascimbeni and M. Mantovani. The priest Giuseppe Nascimbeni (left), inspired by the … Read more
Works for the order of Brigidine Sisters
Works created for the mother house of the Brigidine Sisters in Rome. Blessed Maria Elisabetta Hesselblad, “re-foundress” of the order of Brigidine Sisters, is represented in contemplation. Mother Elizabeth is “lost” in her love, she is lost in Jesus. Mother Elizabeth is in love; her love is the Crucifix and that’s where she stays, where she … Read more
Churches in Burundi
In the mid-60’s he did an important experience in Burundi as cooperator lay missioner,teaching drawing and sculpture at the Institute of Fine Art in Burundi (Africa) and founding of a new school of Fine Art, still operating. Between 1964 and 1969 he created numerous sculptures in Africa and he decorated with great cycles of … Read more
Statue of Don Gnocchi, Chatedral of Milano
Work commissioned by the Don Gnocchi Foundation after the beatification of the Founder took place in 2009. The sculpture was placed, after a solemn inauguration, outside of the Duomo in Milan, at the side of the smaller stained glass window of the apse, facing the Archbishop’s Palace. The statue, made of Candoglia marble, represents … Read more
Blessed Luigi Biraghi, Chatedral of Milano
Statue commissioned in 2010 by the Sisters Marcelline to celebrate their founder Luigi Biraghi, who was beatified in 2006. The sculpture was placed, after a solemn inauguration, in a niche of the capital of one of the four pillars of the presbitery of the Duomo in Milan. Luigi Biraghi is represented as a cultured … Read more
Mandate of San Francesco, Porziuncola, Assisi
Work commissioned and donated to the Sanctuary of the Porziuncola of Assisi from the Church of Mexico, to commemorate the canonization of the first Saints Mexicans, in 2000. On the occasion of the Jubilee pilgrimage the faithful of Mexico have paid homage to the Friars Minor, the first evangelizers of Mexico. The work represents the first seven … Read more
Pilgrimage of the mexican Church to Bethlehem
Monument dedicated to the pilgrimage of the mexican Church to Bethlehem in the Jubilee Year 2000.